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Language Paper 2 - Writers Viewpoints and Perspectives

Section B

Question 5 – Creative writing – 40 marks (24 content +16 SPAG)

  • Spend 45 minutes in total on this section. 5 minutes of that time should be planning!

  • Make sure your writing style matches the type of text you are supposed to be writing. E.g. formal style in a broadsheet newspaper.

  • Vary your sentence structures for effect.

  • Use impressive vocabulary.

  • Use a range of language techniques that are suitable for the type of text you are producing.

  • Use correct and impressive punctuation – semi colons, colons, brackets etc.


  • Use paragraphing and other structural techniques for impact.

  • Make sure you use layout features if necessary – newspapers should have headlines and be written in columns, leaflets use bullet points and subheadings etc.

  • DO NOT spend time drawing images. Draw a box and include a caption which tells the examiner what the picture is of. Similarly, if you need to produce a leaflet DO NOT fold your exam booklet.

Section A – 40 marks

Question 1 – 4 marks

  • Select the correct statements from the list

  • This is a warm up question – spend no longer than 5 minutes on it!

  • Make sure you read the question carefully – what is it asking for information about?


Question 2 – 8marks

  • Write a summary of the differences between the two texts (you will usually be given a focus for this)

  • Spend approximately 10 minutes on this question.

  • Try to find 2 points of comparison.

  • You MUST analyse the language that you pull out to explain what the key differences are between the ways the sources have presented the focus.

  • PEACEAE structure – Point, evidence, analyse, compare, evidence, analyse, evaluate both x 2


Question 3 – 12 marks

  • Analyse the LANGUAGE in the extract- similes, metaphors, verbs, adjectives, personification etc.

  • Read the question CAREFULLY! What is it asking you to do?

  • Read ACTIVELY – highlight important features as you read – what stands out to you? How does that link to the question?

  • Make sure you are writing about the right source!

  • Aim to write 3 points minimum

  • Maximum 15 minutes

  • Remember to follow the PEACE structure!


Question 4 – 16 marks

  • Here you need to compare the two texts again- you are looking at their perspectives/viewpoints on a topic – think of this as ‘how does the writer feel about……’ Always link back to this!

  • Look for 3 points of comparison between the texts – make sure these are linked to the question!

  • Make sure you ANALYSE the evidence you choose.





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